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RIMBA AIR FORCE BASE, Wednesday, 26 October 2022 – The No. 6 wing of Royal Brunei Air Force (RBAirF) held a Handover Ceremony between Captain (U) Mohammad Arieef bin Haji Osman, the outgoing Provost Flight Officer of RBAirF, with Lieutenant (U) Muhammad Asnawi bin Haji Ismail, the incoming Provost Flight Officer of RBAirF today. Present at the ceremony as the Guest of Honour was Major (U) Pengiran Muhammad Mufid bin Pengiran Haji Umar, Acting Commanding officer No.6 Wing, RBAirF. Also present were Officers and personnel of the RBAirF.

Upon arrival, the Guest of Honour received an Honorary Salute and the ceremony began with a speech delivered by the former Provost Flight Officer of RBAirF. In his speech, the former Provost Flight Officer emphasized on teamwork, attitude of each personnel and being truly committed with the responsibilities given. This will not only reflect each personnel but will reflect RBAirF as a whole.

The ceremony continued with the signing of the Handing Over Certificate between the outgoing Provost Flight Officer of RBAirF and the incoming Provost Flight Officer of RBAirF which marks the official transfer of duties and responsibilities of the Provost Flight officer of RBAirF.

To bless the ceremony, Doa Selamat was led by by Ustaz Pengiran Fakhrul Syakirin bin Pengiran Zainuddin, RBAirF Religious Teacher.


Pangkalan Tentera Udara Rimba, Rabu, 26 Oktober 2022 – Cawangan No. 6 Tentera Udara Diraja Brunei (TUDB) telah mengadakan Upacara Serah Terima Tugas di antara Kapten (U) Mohammad Arieef bin Haji Osman, Mantan Provost Flight Officer TUDB dengan Leftenan (U) Muhammad Asnawi bin Haji Ismail, Provost Flight Officer TUDB yang baharu pada hari ini. Hadir selaku Tetamu Kehormat Majlis adalah Mejar (U) Pengiran Muhammad Mufid bin Pengiran Haji Umar, Pemangku Pegawai Pemerintah Cawangan No.6, TUDB. Turut hadir bersama ialah Pegawai-pegawai dan anggota-anggota TUDB.

Sejurus tiba, Tetamu Kehormat Majlis telah menerima tabik hormat dan upacara dimulakan dengan ucapan daripada Mantan Provost Flight Officer TUDB. Dalam ucapannya, beliau mengetengahkan mengenai kerjasama sepasukan, tingkah laku setiap anggota dan sentiasa komited atas tanggungjawab yang diberikan. Beliau juga menambah, yang mana semua ini akan mencerminkan bukan sahaja diri setiap anggota tetapi akan mencerminkan TUDB secara keseluruhan.

Upacara diteruskan dengan penandatanganan sijil serah terima tugas dilaksanakan diantara Mantan Provost Flight Officer dan Provost Flight Officer yang baharu sebagai tanda penyerahan tugas dan tanggungjawab sebagai Provost Flight Officer TUDB.

Untuk memberkati upacara tersebut, bacaan Doa Selamat dibaca oleh Ustaz Pengiran Fakhrul Syakirin bin Pengiran Zainuddin, Guru Ugama TUDB.